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There are alternative outputs. *** Only one is produced. ** Unexpected alternate configuration.RESET_FOR_OUTPUT_DET%s:%u: failed assertion `%s' tok-aux.cup != ID_NO_SYMBOL && lo != ID_NO_SYMBOLup != ID_NO_SYMBOLlo != ID_NO_SYMBOLarc_id*** Tokenize Stop. The fst does not contain the OTHER symbol. Shouldn't happen. No symbol at position %ld. *** Unexpected termination. No configuration available. *** Tokenize Error: nondet_limit = %d reached. Increase it or check the fst. *** Tokenize Error. START Context information (starting on a new line): *** Tokenize Error. END Context information (see "START Context information" above). %ld input symbols processed. Tokenizer linksTokenizer outputLost all states.DELETE_OUTPUT_STATENo arcs to move. Unexpected alternate configuration.RESET_FOR_OUTPUT Stop. The fst does not contain the OTHER symbol. *** Tokenize Stop: the fst has flag_diacritics; their handling is not yet implemented for " -n" (the non-deterministic variant). Shouldn't happen. No symbol at position: %ld. *** Net not linear. Dead path. Distance: %d No path. MARK PATHDead path. Arcs to check*** Arc stack location %d. [|]Failed to allocate space for file name. /project/c-fsm/lingdatatok/data/tok-std.fstUse at most one single [-l ] or [] or [-n ] %uUsage: -d <#nondet_limit> Usage: -l Usage: -n Use at most one single [-n ] or [] or [-l ] tokenize %s (%s) tokenize [ options ] Use a default transducer in %s/%s/%s eng tokenize tokenizer-fst [ options ] Define a deterministic (!) tokenizing transducer explicitly. A fast, deterministic tokenizing algorithm is used. tokenize -h Print the help message. tokenize -l language [ options ] The name of one of the currently supported languages in lower-case; see also the `tokenize' www page: %s www.xrce.xerox.com/research/mltt/fssoft/docs/tokenize-97/tokenize.html tokenize -n nondeterministic-tokenizer-fst Use a slower but more powerful algorithm that is able to handle a possibly non-deterministic tokenizer. tokenize -v Print the program version number. OPTIONS: -d number Redefine a default "longest chain" value also known as "nondet_limit". Default value is: %d. See also at "-g". -e No output buffering -slower- for daemon applications. -f No vectorized arcs - a slower (and deterministic only) algorithm is used. -g Experimental. Don't use "doubled paths elimination": This prevents comparing possibly very long (several Mbytes) alternate output chains (paths) (that may differ only at their respective ends). See also "-d". When using -g, try giving a small value (<10) to -d. Unsupported file format: cannot load this network. cannot write network to file. States to reachBad argumentLABEL_LENGTH %d arcs traversed, in %d maximal depth. Net incorrectly marked as loopfreeSTART_LOOPS_PSublanguage state pairsSUBLANGUAGE_PEquivalence state pairsEQUIV_FSM_PBad arityEPSILON_LOOP_STATE_PShouldn't happenStates to connectINVERT_TUPLEUnaccounted labelLABEL_CHECKUnaccounted labelsUnexpected labelBINARY_LABELS_ADD_TOindex_pathsNot a legal visit_mark %d INDEX_NETSYMSUBSTSYMSUBST_MODIFY Cannot substitute for an fstpair. Cannot substitute an fstpair. String too longLABEL_NAME_FROM_STREAMNo nets. Symbol substitute aborted. '%s' deleted. '%s' replaced. %ld arc arcs removed added in %d nets. . No changes. Symbol '%s' does not exist. *** Warning: '%s' cannot be unambiguously interpreted. Upper symbol = '%s', lower symbol = '%s' Old symbols: No changes. New symbols: Symbol '%s' does not exist. SIGMA not closedCLOSE_SIGMADETERMINIZE_GET_STATEStates to determinizeDeterminizer indicesDETERMINIZECan't determinize an optimized network. determinize_fsmUn-optimizing ... Determimizing ... MINIMIZENo equivalence class for OTHER found.COMPACT_SIGMAResuming. Operands of any stack-modifying operation will be lost. States to rmapProgramming errorLEP_copy_sectionLEP_eps_push_in_tailWrong arc label arity %hi in argument networkLEP_local_eps_push_fstThe add_path operation currently does not handle compacted or vectorized or labelset reduced transducers. Path is already in the network ---> exit. add-words is not yet implemented ... word: %d model: ---------- States to renameIncorrect state countTOP_SORT_NETreorder_arcsCannot reorder arcs when arcs are shared! Too little space to reorderREORDER_ARCS?Nothing to do: The network has not been optimized. WARNING: in function '%s' %s SHARE_delete_altchain_arcs()ALTCHAIN arc is not the last one in the arc list. Initial (now probably corrupted) net will be returned.States to copyALLOCATE_SEQUENCE_DATAGET_SEQUENCEallocate_sequence_dataUnrecognized data type: %d COPY_BYTE_BLOCKCOPY_IO_SYMBOLCOPY_SEQUENCEcopy_objectCannot copy a symbol package outside of a sequence. Tabular and compacted nets cannot be copied.COPY_FSM*** Programmer alert! State count in COPY_FSM is %ld, should be %ld **** Programmer alert! Arc count in COPY_FSM is %ld, should be %ld Start state does not belong to the net End state does not belong to the net End state is not reachable. States do not belong to the net CONS_HEAP cannot be reinitializedinit_btree_memCons cellsinit_cons_memDBLheap cannot be reinitializedinit_dbl_memcouldn't allocate memory for DBL_LINKsinit_dblcouldn't allocate DBL_LINKdblalloc** ERROR: %s in '%s' (%d) ** Press return to exit. %% Warning: %s in '%s' (%d) Out of memory%s Negative or zero length PROGRAMMING ERROR in %s() : ---- Please report ---- error_bufferMissing actionputAction 'put' requires non-NULL message clearlastallBad action '%s'This command cannot be applied to a virtual net THIN_TO_FATTHIN_TO_TEMP_FATFAT_TO_THINCHARCODE_TO_FSTRINGINTEGER_TO_FSTRING@NETWORK_FROM_FILE%c<%d,%d>Illegal hex valueFPRINTF_CHAR_AS_HEX\x\u"\v""\b""\r""\t""\n"" ""%c"\v\b\r\t\n\\\"%s%0%?%%"\f"%s: %4ld bytes, %7ld in use, %7ld total (%ldK) * Heaps * Total: %ld Kbytes. Heap name longer than HEAP_NAME_MAX_LEN charactersINIT_HEAPcouldn't allocate memory for cellsLoop in the free listHEAP_ITEMSADD_BLOCK*** ERROR: Not enough memory. Cannot continue. This is the situation: Total %ld bytes in use. can't allocate from null heapcell_allocERROR: cell %p already freed cell_size must be larger than a pointerfree_cellFreelist is not emptyMAP_HEAPCREATE_STACKUnknownStack name more than STACK_NAME_MAX_LEN charscan't push onto NULL stackpushout of memory, could not allocate new heap%s: %5ld max depth, %5ld depth, %5ld bytes (%ldK) * Stacks * ================================================================ Total: %ld Kbytes. MAKE_STRING_BUFFERASSURE_SPACENegative or zero lengthMAKE_VECTORASSURE_VECTOR_SPACEcreate_vector_enumeratorAttempting to create an enumerator for a NULL vector. CREATE_VECTOR_ENUMERATORMAKE_VECTOR_TABLEASSURE_VECTOR_TABLE_SPACEGET_FAT_STRGET_ENCRYPTED_FAT_STRGET_IO_SYMBOLGET_BYTE_BLOCKRead errorGET_SEQUENCEIllegal object typeget_objectIllegal sequence typeget_sequenceUnimplemented object typeget_atomsIllegal symbol typeNETWORK_FROM_FILEIllegal negative labelGET_ALPHABETno state at locget_arcStates to readRead failed. Not enough memory for %ld states. 100%% 0%%arc count mismatchGET_ARCS_AND_STATESstate count mismatchGET_ARC_BLOCKTwo epsilons?REMOVE_EPSILONNo epsilons?Unrecognized file type: %dCompactedfewer than 1 state expected!NETWORK_FROM_STREAMStandardbyte count mismatchnetwork_from_stream*** ERROR: file contains a transition tablewhich cannot be read in this implementation. Unsupported file format: *** The application is not permitted to load this file. You need a licensed version of the program. rbCannot open '%s' File cannot be loaded. NamesAUTHORSCHARENCODINGCHARNAMESCOMPACTED-PCOMPOUNDHARCOPYRIGHTDATEDIACRITICSEQV-VECTORFUNCTIONLANGUAGELITERALNAMESNETWORKNAMENEUTRALLINKINGCHAROPERATIONPOSTFIXLINKINGCHARPREFIXLINKINGCHARSAVED-SIGMASIGMASOURCESTATUSTAGSTOOLVERSIONSTRANSCRIPTTYPEVECTORIZE-NVERSIONSTRINGWORD-TO-FILEPOS-MAP0?NILTOTHERINTERLISPLISPParse table vectorsParse table nodesNetworksAlphabetsStatesArcsArc vectors%XMAKE_NETWORKARC_ALLOCALLOC_STATE*** Problem with arc label '' key item out of rangerenumber_arc_labelsarc label out of rangeALPHABET length exceeds MAX_LABELMAKE_ALPH_ITEMSlog(max) exceeds 'MAX_LV'Label vectorsBad typeMAKE_ALPHCannot allocate alphabet larger than MAX_LABELBad label idLABELS_TO_ALPHProgrammer alert: EPSILON in SIGMA. can't adjust null alphadjust_alph_sizeBINARY_TO_LABELLABEL_TO_BINARYThis function is obsolete. Call adjust_alph_size() insteadexpand_sigmaProgrammer alert: two occurrences of the same label in a label alphabet. NET_labels unspecifiedupdate_net_labels_and_sigmalabels and sigma must be either both NULL or both non-NULLADD_PROPMAKE_OBJECTMAKE_SEQUENCEUnknown typeADD_PROP_OF_TYPEExpecting a list of two stringsUPDATE_SUBLISTExpecting a list of stringsPAIR_TO_LISTValue of TOOLVERSIONS should be a list of lists.MARK_VERSIONIllegal ALPH maxFREE_ALPH_ITEMSMAKE_BYTE_BLOCK%s:%u: failed assertion struct.cWrong file format: can't free the network...FREE_NETWORK*** ERROR: network contains a transition tablewhich cannot be handled in this implementation. MAKE_ALPH_VECTORMAKE_NVEXPAND_NVPOS out of rangenv_insert*** No net at position %d nv_extractNV_APPENDMAKE_NVVNVV_APPEND***** ERROR in %s ***** %s : %d and %d APPEND REPLACEMENT STRUCTUREdifferent arrowsdifferent context directionsmake_vector_state*** Nonfinal ALTCHAIN arc %s:%u: failed assertion vectorize.cVECTORIZE-NCan't vectorize a non-deterministic network. vectorize_netNet arc vectorsmake_vector_state_from_reduced***make_vector_state_from_reduced(): Nonfinal ALTCHAIN arc *** ERROR *** counting error in vectorization of dense states VERSIONCREATION-DATELANGUAGESOURCECHARENCODINGAUTHORSCOPYRIGHT%d. %s: %s (none) Please type a number (1-%d) [cancel]: Cancelled. Cleared %s. %s selected. Old value: New value [cancel]: Done. Write errorWRITE_BLOCKIllegal object typewrite_objectIllegal sequence typewrite_sequenceMAKE_TALLY_FILE*** Programmer alert: Wrong state count. *** Programmer alert: Wrong arc count. %4d.%6ld NET is not compactedRESTORE_TALLYNET arity incorrectly setWRITE_ATOMSArcs to write 100%% 0%%Write failed. WRITE_ARC_BLOCK*** Programmer alert: Wrong arity. Marked as %d, should be %d. Fixed. *** ERROR: network contains a transition tablewhich cannot be written to a file in this implementation. STATE_COUNT mismatch)network_to_streamARC_COUNT mismatchOnly %d nets present. Cannot write %d. wbCannot open '%s' MAKE_FST_CONTEXTMAKE_DEFAULT_HEADERCOPYRIGHTAUTHORSCHARENCODINGSOURCELANGUAGECREATION-DATEVERSIONXerox CorporationFST Internal error: Incorrect side value: %d : Current value: SUCCEEDS. New value: FAILS. New value: (Neutral value)complement of Id of the flag value greater than 32767flag_actionUnknown action or testFLAG_ACTIONOdd label arityFLAG_ATTRIBUTE_OCCURS_IN_PGMT_DATE%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S GMTNONEPUBLICLICENSEDRESERVEDXEROXUNKNOWNCannot set license type: not enough privilegeCHECK_LICENSEInvalid license typeensure_loc_spaceadjust_string_bufferCOPYRIGHT-NOTICECopyright (c) %Y by MAKE_HEADERDo not try to free a static header.FREE_HEADER File date is: %s Earliest possible date is: %s Current date is: %s *** The application is not permitted to load this file. You need a licensed version of the program. rbCannot open '%s' Unknown file type %d Bad file lengthGET_HEADERBad file dateBad header lengthBad license typeReserved header bytes not zerosBad copyright locationheader length mismatchREAD_HEADERWRITE_HEADERStart locations: No header. No files have been read or written. File name: Write date: Copyright notice: Net count: net netsFile type: Compressed IndexVery Old StandardVery Old CompactedOld StandardOld CompactedStandardCompactedFile version: File length: bytesNo files have been read or saved yet. **** Last input file **** **** Last output file **** .#. 0 ?%  0 ?%  Argument neither UPPER, LOWER, or BOTH_SIDESCOPY_LABEL_NAMENOTE: For atomic labels, the printing format is: id{'symbol_name}(has label data) For tuple labels, the printing format is: id(has label data) %3d. {''}(has label data) No such actionFLAG_DIACR_ACTION** WARNING: id of the flag value greater than 32767 ---> some flag actions may fail Attribute namesValue namesBad flag diacritic nameEXTRACT_NEXT_COMPONENTCannot parse the diacritic labelFLAG_DIACRITIC_NAME_PCLEAR SET UNIFY DISALLOW REQUIRE FAILINSERT EQUALITY TEST of Bad dataPRINT_FLAG_DIACRITICfeature '' to to the complement of with and Unknown action or test feature ' value ' :MAKE_FLAG_DIACRMAKE_SYMBOL_MAPSymbol namesKEYWORD**EPSILON****OTHER****DUMMY_SYMBOL****BOUNDARY_SYMBOL***ALTCHAIN* *_DET_EPSILON_intern_new_symbolINTERN_NEW_LABELINTERN_NEW_SYMBOL** ERROR: Too many labels. Maximum id number is %d Cannot continueTuple as a tuple constituent*** Warning: label '' is illegal: flag diacritics on both sides of the symbol pair. TUPLE_ERROR0?Unexpected end-of-file Write error. No space on device? Aborting. make_ch_nodemake_ch_node_nextInvalid hex numberSHORT2HEX*** Warning: Symbol %d is an empty string. MAKE_LOOKUP_TABLESCOLLECT_ATOMSSET_RANGE Missing labelmap_symbol_rangeGET_RANGE_MAPMAKE_RANGE_VECTORMAKE_MATCH_TABLEmake_match_tableThe nework does not have a reduced labelset. Unknown symbol: '' putNo parse table created because FSTs do not belongto a bimachine or are incorrectly markedNo parse table created because one or both FSTshave no label alphabetToo little space to reorderREORDER_STATESState count incorrect. Too low.State count incorrect. Too high.Output buffer full, please increase OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE to at least %d "\t""\n"" ""\r""\v""\b""\f" 0 ?% .#. 0 ?%  Size:s%d flag diacritic%s %d min %d sec %d sec ,deterministicprunedcompletedminimizedepsilon_freesorted_statesloop_freevisit_marks_dirtyshared_arc_listshas_arc_user_pointerclosed_sigmacompactedupper_sequentializedlower_sequentializedleft_bimachineright_bimachinereduced_labelsetvirtualKaplan compressedoptimizedArity:\x