This document tracks all files that I've uploaded to the server. File folder references assume that the user is at the html>shosted folder. Mon Feb 1 - uploaded list 5 RCG500 files (123 total) to the list5>RCG500 folder. - uploaded List-05-RCG500.txt to the Bulk-rename-templates folder. - uploaded 'untrimmed' list 5 RCG500 files (x total) to the newly created Backup-files folder. These files are intended to help when/if comparing trimmed and untrimmed files to determine if the trimmed files have the correct length of silence at the end. Files will be deleted from this folder as necessary (I have alternate backups). - uploaded this log. Mon Feb 29 - organized server folders + cleanup + update - uploaded list-rename-templates for lists to Bulk-rename-templates folder - uploaded remaining 3 speakers for list 5 - uploaded list 6